How to help your cat adjust after a move

When it comes to helping your cat adjust to your new home, pay attention to them and try hard to make necessary adjustments so that your cat feels safe and calm. Here are few tips that will help them through the transition to ensure both your and their happiness.

One room for starters

Some cats do not require any time to adjust to new surroundings as long as their owner is with them. However, some cats do not like changes as they are very attached to their surroundings. One of the ways to help your cat adjust to your new home is to restrict them to one room, at least for starters. This will make sure they feel safe and that they have their own territory that will serve as a refugee when they feel scared. Put their stuff in that room, like litter box, food, water and bed. Your cat will gradually get accustomed to new smells and sounds. Later, when you unpack and when the adjustment period is over, you can let your cat explore the rest of the house.

A safe space

As soon as you move, make sure there are no holes in your house and keep doors and windows closed. This is because cats can feel uncomfortable and cat escape in that time of distress. Also, make sure that there are no hard-to-reach corners where it can hide.

The smell

Once you arrive at your new home, make sure you bring all toys, blankets and other items your cat loves with you. They get attached to things and their smell and the best way to help your cat adjust is to place those items close to their bed and litter box in the new place. Additionally, you can take some item that smells like you, like a shirt, near your cat. It will feel safer and comfortable.

Give them time

CatDo not make forced moves when trying to get your get familiar with new surroundings. Perhaps they need time when they hide under the couch. Just leave them alone and they will come out once they feel safe. Also, try to give them more space and avoid spending too much time with them. They will adjust better if they can explore rooms, smells and sounds on their own.

Going out

Perhaps you should wait about two weeks before you allow your cat outside. Just like with the indoors, your cat needs time to get familiar with the outdoors as well. Go out with him or her, take a walk and come back inside after 15 minutes. You can let him stay longer the next day, once he/she knows the surroundings. Always be prepared for unexpected situations; tag your cat with your name and address in case he gets lost.

Adjusting to new surroundings is hard, whether you have a cat, dog or other two-legged friend. The better you know your pet and its personality, the faster the adjustment period will be over.