Manchester is not only a big city bit it’s also a very busy one. Since it’s once of the industrial centers of the UK it’s a place for business full of large and small companies. Now a company’s main goal is obviously to make profit and one of the keys to that is cutting unnecessary spending. The problem is that it’s often quite difficult to draw a line between pragmatism and what is essentially hoarding useless office items. When your company undergoes business relocation it’s probably the perfect moment to assess the situation with all the items in your office. Hiring a moving company in Manchester can be cheap (if you hire the right company) but still the price does depend on the amount of items transported and how long it takes. So you can hit two birds with one stone and get rid of some useless stuff from your office and save a bit on moving expenses.
A common problem with companies not just in the UK but throughout the world is using old hardware and old software. You’d be surprised how dated the computers and office appliances in a typical Japanese company that is a country synonymous with high tech. Things like printers, copy machines and computers monitors tend to be the 3 things that are overused in an office. When it comes to printers you have two options – buy inexpensive ones and change them every few years or buy a couple of really good ones that can take several years of heavy usage.
Copy machines in general are not as used as printers. A big reason for that is the printer/scanner combo that made them somewhat of a 90’s novelty. Still it is batter to have at least one around for when you need bulk volume of something copied – they are faster than the average scanner and printer. So it’s better to have the Manchester man with a van you hired transport it to your new office rather than the city junkyard.
Monitors are a somewhat gray area. You don’t need anything too new or too pricey. You don’t even need that big. Generally a 17 inch monitor would suffice. However if you still have old CRT monitors you need to get rid of the immediately. They are big, heavy, bad for your eyes and more retro than a walkman.
You should probably take your fax machine to your new office. Oddly enough they are particularly popular in some companies, government institution and organizations (especially in the United States). While it is technically possible to use a computer and a scanner to fax documents it takes longer and is more complicated than just putting a document in the fax machine. A single fax machine would suffice for small businesses. Bigger companies should determine depending on number of employees and how many of they work contacts use fax.
The final advice would be no to go to any extremities. Keep what you need and nothing more but don’t go bleeding edge either because those are generally unnecessary expenses – paying 20 brand new big screen monitors is more expensive than hiring a man and van in Manchester.